Alignment with your true blueprint is the ultimate path for abundance, a happy, healthy and loving life. But not everyone reaches that for many conscious and unconscious reasons. But you can change that and avoid serious problems as well as be strong to any life experiences as well as learn to dive deeper into yourself at sub-atomic level and regain power over your own creations.
This program will enable you to go to the higher level of perception in your life that will take you much further on your power as a co-creator.
Soul family, here is the enrollment link for the EMC2 Energy Master Course. As soon as we get your registration, we will be sending you an email within a few days with more information about access to the course platform and other relevant information.
Make sure to send an email to informing that you have registered and sharing your birthdate, location, name, phone number and reason why you want to enroll.
The EMC2 is a complete compendium of body-mind-spirit knowledge, intuitive and healing gifts upgrades & access to the Akashic records of self and learn to help others too.
You will be learning to understand imbalances at different levels and how to transform them. If you have enrolled with LIVE calls, you will be able to get guidance and strengthening and activation alongside your journey as a student.
You will have access to the program during 6 months at your own pace from access date. No refunds or cancellations allowed.
Listen to Katja, a former student of the program EMC2 (former name reconnect with your light) describing her journey and take aways:
Juliana explains her journey working together and her many achievements as an entrepreneur as well as total upgrade in her personal life and relationships (Brazilian Portuguese):
Merike describes her total resolution of a health problem she’s had over 20 years in less than 30 min (Swedish)