This course is designed to help coaches, therapists, healers and psychic mediums who want to start and grow their businesses. It presents practical tools.
You will get a package comprimised of an e-book, and audiobook and a workbook to help you navigate and scale up your business.
Get all you need to get your business going as well as work with your personal growth in this program.
The value of this program is over 20,000SEK. You are now getting a huge discount if you purchase the package today.
You will find valuable information to understand all you need to get going and grow in this field.
If you need VIP help, you can reach out and check our availability
You will have access to Gabi's book: From Vision to Reality: Start-Up Success for Psychic Mediums and Healers. Here you can read as well as listen to the whole book. If you would like to donate as a form of gratitude for the knowledge:
If you would like to join EMC2 Energy Master Course and take your gifts to a higher level, check EMC2 on or
Here you will find our workbook to help you navigate start-up and growth process as well as your personal growth.